Intelgic's Computer Vision AI Studio: Revolutionize Manufacturing with AI-Driven Machine Vision

  •   Design, develop, test, deploy and run industrial AI applications.
  •   Defect detection, Product counting, visual inspection and more.
  •   Specially designed for manufacturing

Empower your production lines with Industrial AI.

Intelgic's Vision AI Studio is a complete platform designed to streamline manufacturing processes such as visual inspection, product counting, event detection using AI. Build, deploy, and manage industrial-grade machine vision applications specifically tailored to manufacturing.

Intelgic’s AI: Next generation Machine Vision system for manufacturing

Traditional machine vision systems are bulky, expensive, a hassle to install and maintain. Intelgic's Vision AI Studio takes a smarter approach. It's a cloud-based AI solution that connects seamlessly with strategically placed cameras on your manufacturing lines.

  • 10X cost-effective than the traditional machine vision systems.
  • It's cloud based software driven. All you need is a camera and AI.
  • No sensors and heavy machinery are needed. AI-driven advanced image processing does it all.
  • Easy setup and installation
  • No extra space is needed for setup. It works in the existing infrastructure.
  • Highly accurate! Finetune and increase the accuracy over time.
  • It is highly scalable as it is cloud-based. Just increase cameras.
  • Add more algorithms for new defects, and events without affecting the current setup such as cameras.
  • Easy integration with existing ERP systems
  • Vision AI works independently without affecting current processes.

End-to-end AI studio for building and running AI within your manufacturing lines

Train AI model
Test it
Connect cameras
Start Inspection

Train Your AI Model

Our user-friendly studio guides you through the process of training a custom AI model for your specific needs. No coding experience is necessary! Train AI with your data (images or videos) of acceptable and unacceptable products, and the studio does the rest.

Rigorous Testing Ensures Accuracy

Once your AI model is trained, put it to the test! The studio provides robust infrastructure and features such as feedback-loop to ensure your model can accurately identify defects, count products, or recognize objects and events on your production line.

Effortless Camera Integration

Connect your existing industrial cameras to the Vision AI Studio with ease. The cloud-based platform eliminates the need for complex hardware setups or configurations.

Start Inspection

With everything in place, it's time to unlock the power of AI! Automate the visual inspection process in your production line in real-time for defect detection, product counting and event detection.

Get Started Today

Effortless Integration

Seamlessly integrate Vision AI Studio with your existing infrastructure.

Scalable Solution

The platform grows with your business, accommodating future needs.

Expert Support

Our team of AI and machine vision specialists are here to guide you every step of the way.

Revolutionize your manufacturing with Intelgic's Vision AI Studio. Contact us today to discuss your use case and discover how AI can transform your production lines.

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